星淘有限公司 Apps Created By Appool.com Apps

邦誼旅遊有限公司 2.0
邦誼旅遊有限公司 Cosmo Link Travel Ltd成立自2006年 ,致力為顧客提供最好 一站式的旅遊服務,包括超值的自遊行套票、機票、酒店預訂 、郵輪、租車及簽證服務。Created by Appool.com (阿寶)
博愛潮語浸信會東頭堂 3.0
教會形式:細胞小組形式教會 A branch chapel of B L S BC教會使命:「熱切敬拜、服侍親鄰、普世宣教、見証基督」"Mission to worship, Mission to serve, Mission to world, Mission towitness"聚會時間:逢星期日早堂:早上九時半至十一時午堂:早上十一時半至下午一時地址:香港九龍東頭村振東樓地下10號10 G/F., Chun Tung Hse., Tung Tau Est., Kowloon, HongKong.電話:(852)-2718-1419網址:http://www.tungtau.com電郵:ttt@blsbc.org
康瀛旅遊有限公司 1.0
本公司於2004年開業,至今已長達8年。我們擁有一隊資深﹑專業﹑親切有禮的顧問團隊﹐竭誠為各界提供各地機票﹑酒店及其他旅遊安排如:接送服務﹑當地遊﹑簽証及旅遊保險等。Apps is created by appool.com
FAA 真誠助學會 6.0
(一) 起源與宗旨2005年仲夏透過一次「機緣」,認識了連南這地方,認識了連南縣三江鎮金坑中心學校(學校班級由小一至初中三)。連南縣位於廣東省粵北,隣近廣西與湖南省,屬於小數民族-瑤族聚居地,稱之為:《連南瑤族自治縣》,因地處山區,交通不便,缺乏天然資源,是廣東省貧困縣之一。本會在未成立之前,僅以有限資源資助金坑中心學校部分教學設施及小數學生學費,但自2006年9月開始,全國實施九年免費教育(由小一至初中三豁免學費)。而連南縣貧困山區學生,以鄉鎮學校學業水平,要考上高中及支付每年約¥2,000元的高昂學費,這是相當困難的,有見及此,本會將大部分資源改為資助高中學生,首批全數資助2006年度由金坑中心學校初三升讀高中一年級的5位學生開始,每一年不斷增加資助升讀高一的數位學生名額至今,並於2007年底在香港正式註冊非牟利慈善助學團體-香港「真誠助學會」。本會以「有教無類,厚德祟文」為助學宗旨,真誠付出愛心、關懷、幫助學生健康成長。以「大家庭」的觀念,讓所有受資助學生,得到關心,融入這個「大家庭」,互助互愛,互相扶持,相濡以沫,將來學生學有所成,回饋社會,抱著「施比受更為有福」的精神,幫助有需要的弱勢社群。(二) 本會的架構本會是以會員架構組成,會員分有基本會員(有投票及選舉權)及普通會員(沒有投票及選舉權),每三年一次選出執行委員會,執行委員5人,處理每一屆為期三年會務,會員大會為本會最高權力機關。(三) 經費的籌募會員除了每年繳付會費(基本會員HK$100元,普通會員HK$50元),大部份經費籌募,都有賴於各善心人仕及會員捐資,隨緣樂助,得以維持及繼續資助學生的經費。(四) 發展與展望由最初2006年度資助連南縣高中學生開始,至今(2011年8月31日),已曾受資助學生有45位,18位現就讀不同大學及23位就讀高中學生,仍然接受本會全數資助;當然往後日子,本會希望能繼續資助下去;這有賴更多善心人仕慷慨解囊,讓更多貧困山區學生得以受惠。「十年樹木,百年樹人」,由2006年在連南縣開始拓展助學,至今已超過5年,待受資助大學生部份畢業以后,時機成熟,希望組織香港「真誠助學會」連南分會,由學生領導,本會全力支持,將助學理念,薪火相傳,有計劃地發展萌芽至其他地區,讓更多真正需要幫助的貧困山區學生,得以接受良好教育。(A) the origin andpurpose of In the summer of 2005 through a "chance" to know even the Southto know, three Town Jinkeng, even the County Center school (schoolclasses from Primary One to junior high school). Even the County islocated in the northern part of Guangdong, Guangdong Province,neighboring Guangxi and Hunan Province, belonging to ethnicminorities - Yao settlements, called: "South Yao Autonomous County,located in the mountains, transport facilities, lack of naturalresources, in Guangdong Province one of the poverty-strickencounties. The Council before the establishment of only limitedresources funding the gold pit center part of the teaching of theschool facilities and decimal tuition, but since September 2006,the country nine years of free education (from Primary One tojunior high school exempted from tuition fees). Even the Countypoor mountain students to the academic level of township schools tobe admitted to high school and paid approximately $ 2,000 $ highfees, which is quite difficult, In view of this, we will most ofthe resources to subsidized senior students, the first batch offully subsidized by the 2006 three days by Jinkeng Center Schoolliter five year high school students every year an increasingnumber of students funded next higher places have been taken andregistered in Hong Kong at the end of 2007 non- profit charitablestudent groups - Hong Kong "sincere student". The "No Child Left Behind, Houde Ferrick" for the purpose of thestudent, in good faith to give their love, care, help the healthygrowth of students. To the concept of "family", all funded studentsreceive care, into the "family", mutual love, mutual support toeach other, future students have achieved, contribute to thecommunity, holding "give than to receive more Blessed is the spiritof "disadvantaged groups to help the needy. (B) The architecture Membership structure of the Council is composed of members ofthe basic members (voting and the right to vote) and ordinarymembers (voting and the right to vote), once every three years toelect the Executive Committee, Executive Committee, each session ofthe three-year conference , members of the General Assembly is thehighest authority.(C) raise funding Members in addition to the payment of the annual membership fee(Basic Membership HK $ 100 million, ordinary member HK $ 50million), most of its money to raise, will depend on thegood-hearted person and members donated revel CARE able to maintainand continue to subsidize the cost of the student's . (D) Development and Prospect  2006 funded with County high school students from theinitial start date (August 31, 2011), who have been funded 45students, 18 are now studying in different universities and 23 highschool students still accept this will be fully subsidized by the ;course, the next day, the Council hopes to continue to fund it;thanks to more good-hearted person generously so that more poormountain students will benefit. "Ten years to grow a tree, by 2006, even the County began toexpand student, has been more than five years, to be funded collegestudents part after graduation, the time is ripe," even the Southwant to organize the "sincere student will club, led by students,this will be the full support of student ideas, Passing the torch,there are plans to develop budding to other areas, so that morepoor mountain students really need help, able to receive a goodeducation.
Mrs Vintage 7.0
Welcome to Mrs Vintage!Every vintage item is a piece of history and art. It has a story tobe told, a history that has not been forgotten but insteadappreciated and embraced. By picking it up again, you grant it anew and vivid life. Vice versa, it inspires you with its uniquenessof being one of a kind!Mrs Vintage sells only vintage clothing and accessories. Alltreasures have good qualities and workmanships, and areparticularity hand-picked from all over the world and definitelyone of a kind! It’s one of your mix and match collectables in yourwardrobe and adds a beautiful touch to your outfits.When you wear vintage clothing, you look stunning and totallydifferent!Thanks for stopping by our unique vintage store!
Zoe Ma 2.0
Hi there This is Zoe and I am afreelancemodel. My jobs include: TVC, MV, Magazines, Catwalks,PrintedAdvertisement, Hair shows, Events, Escort, Host, Showgirls,Promotions, make up model, 私影, 影會 etc...請多多指教Biography高: 170cm重: 50kg三圍: 34C 25 35直髮長及肩 (brownish hair)Eye Color: Dark BrownShoes size: 9 / 39-40*Work experiences*Catwalks- “Sonya” make up catwalk- 叱吒樂壇頒獎禮2010 (最佳填詞人-黃偉文) catwalkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ys1rnBAqQ9YPrinted Ad + Host (到各大酒吧宣傳時)- “Hong Kong Bar” iPhone Apps girlMV Shooting- 焯皓 - 秘密花園http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PO8D7cb-CPwEscort- 太陽國際體育會開幕典禮- Annual dinners- EventsMagazine- DiGi-Weekly 數碼雙周 263- IDA hair show model- Promotions對唔住....仲有好多唔記得左..hehe 大家想睇花絮的話可以去我d photos個度睇啦 ^^ 我會keep住update嫁啦Zoe Ma 是由星淘有限公司製作及版權所有。星淘有限公司是一間軟件開發公司,範圍包括: 網頁設計及開發,手機應用程式,網上購物平台,電子商務解決方案等。我們感到自豪的是領先一步的最新技術。我們的團隊努力建立及研發不同的應用程式實現在不同的移動平台,包括iPhone,iPad和Tablets等流行移動平台。Hi there This is Zoe andIam a freelance model My jobs include:. TVC, MV, Magazines,Catwalks,Printed Advertisement, Hair shows, Events, Escort, Host,Show girls,Promotions, make up model, the private shadow, shadowwill etc... Please exhibitionsBiographyHeight: 170cmWeight: 50kgMeasurements: 34C 25 35Shoulder-length straight hair (brownish hair)Eye Color: Dark BrownShoes size: 9 / 39-40* Work experiences *Catwalks- "Sonya" make up catwalk- Shook the music awards 2010 (best lyricist - Wyman) catwalkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ys1rnBAqQ9YPrinted Ad + Host (when the major bars publicity)- "Hong Kong Bar" iPhone Apps girlMV Shooting- Billy Hao - Secret Gardenhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PO8D7cb-CPwEscort- Sun International Sports Club Opening Ceremony- Annual dinners- EventsMagazine- DiGi-Weekly Digital Fortnight 263- IDA hair show model- PromotionsWu Zhu .... More exciting for a lot of people do not remember..hehe Xiangdi tidbits left, then you can go to one of the Air Idphotos ^ ^ I'll keep it live update JialaZoe Ma is produced and Copyright by Sing Amoy Limited.Star Amoy Co., Ltd. is a software development company, include:webdesign and development, mobile applications, onlineshoppingplatform, e-commerce solutions.We are proud to be one step ahead of the latest technology. Ourteamefforts to establish and develop different applicationsimplementedin different mobile platforms, including iPhone, iPadand Tablets,and other popular mobile platforms.
ZingTao Mobile App Demo 2.0
iPhone Mobile Apps + Android Mobile Apps +WebSite全港最平, 低成本I.T. Business Solution, 有效提升生意及知名度. (一次性收費, 完全沒有隱藏費用)Demo Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3uhLNbrDX4&feature=youtu.beDemo Web Site: http://www.appool.com/cosmo/如有任何查詢, 請致電3110 1681 OR info@zingtao.comwww.zingtao.comiPhone Mobile Apps+Android Mobile Apps + Web SiteTerritorial most flat, low-cost IT Business Solution,effectivelyenhance business and reputation. (One-time fee, nohidden costs)Demo Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3uhLNbrDX4&feature=youtu.beDemo Web Site: http://www.appool.com/cosmo/If you have any inquiries, please call 3110 1681 OR info@zingtao.comwww.zingtao.com